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Welcome to our Seventh-day Adventist church.  Visiting our website or visiting our church we want you to feel part of the family.  Please feel free to explore the different sections of this site and if you have any questions then it would be our delight for you to get in contact.  Our church is a family friendly church with services and activities for all the family. 

The mission of Manor Newstart is to reach the children and young adults in the Sheffield Manor, allowing them to see, feel and experience the love of Christ in their own lives and those of their friends and families.

Our purpose is to enable neighbours to experience friendship and fellowship, and to recognise the potential for a new start available by the grace of Christ Jesus.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.  The second is this, you shall love your neighbour as yourself"

Matthew 12:29-30

Service Times:

Saturday (Sabbath)
Bible Study hour Sabbath School (Adults and children) 1000am -1100am
Family Worship 11.15am - 13.00pm 

Lunch is Provided after the service

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting 19.00pm (7pm)

Join our online Zoom Prayer Meeting

Zoom Link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82246196158?pwd=MW9BSGJzUTI5clNVZHhDRGFIOVVldz09

Click HERE to find a link to our weekly church bulletin

Click HERE to view past sermons on our Manor Newstart YouTube Channel